If you’re experiencing back pain, there are exercises and stretches you can do to help alleviate it. All you need is a yoga mat, a towel, and a foam roller. These exercises are designed to relieve current pain and prevent future injury. However, if you have concerns about how these exercises may affect your back, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting.
Legs Against the Wall
This stretch helps relieve pressure on your back. Start by placing a mat on the floor, extending it from the wall. Position your body so that your legs are stretched and your back is lengthened. Place a foam roller beneath the small of your back. Hold this position for one minute, then end the stretch by bringing your knees to your chest and rolling sideways.
Stretch Those Hamstrings
Hamstring stretches help strengthen your legs and support your lower back. These stretches are simple to perform. Lie down on your back and raise one leg at a time, keeping your leg straight and your knee bent. Pull your leg towards your chest while maintaining the straightness of your leg. Repeat this for the other leg and perform five slow sets of each.
Partial Crunches to Strengthen Your Core
Strengthening your core can also help alleviate back pain. Partial crunches are a great way to target your midsection. Start by keeping your knees bent and your feet on the ground. Place your hands at the back of your head and lift your head towards the sky in a comfortable manner. Adjust the pace and number of repetitions to ensure a proper workout for your back. It’s important not to overdo it, as it can lead to more back pain.
Leg Raises
If you’re ready for a more intense exercise, leg raises can help strengthen your back. These exercises are meant to prevent future back pain rather than relieve current pain. Lie on your stomach and lift your head and chin off the ground. Then, simultaneously lift your right hand and left leg, lower them, and repeat the same for your left hand and right leg. Start with ten repetitions in sets of three.
End Off With The Partial Bridge
The partial bridge is a great exercise to develop your lower back, abs, and quads. Start by lying on your back with your knees bent. When you’re ready, raise your lower back off the floor as far as you comfortably can. Hold that position for a count of ten, then release. Repeat this exercise for three sets.
Image Source: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock