Deep in the San Gabriel Mountains lies a peculiar structure – a bridge that seemingly leads to nowhere. Situated north of Azusa, California, this concrete arch bridge stands as an enigmatic reminder of a past construction project.
The construction of this bridge commenced in 1929 as part of the East Fork Road Project, aiming to establish roadways connecting Wrightwood to the San Gabriel Valley. However, before the roadways leading to the bridge could be completed, a devastating rainstorm in 1938 caused extensive damage to the area, including washing out bridges and roads.
Despite the unfinished state of the project, the bridge remains intact in its original location. It now serves as a historical curiosity, attracting adventurous hikers who embark on a challenging 10-mile round trip journey to reach it.
Traversing the San Gabriel River and overcoming various obstacles along the way, hikers eventually arrive at the Bridge to Nowhere, a 120-foot arch bridge standing boldly in the wilderness. The experience of standing on this bridge offers a glimpse into the past and a connection to the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape.
While the bridge itself may not lead anywhere, it does provide access to a serene swimming hole nestled in the canyon below. After the arduous trek, many hikers choose to cool off in the refreshing pools of water before beginning their return journey.
If you plan to visit this unique destination, be prepared for a strenuous hike with significant elevation changes. Take the time to appreciate the beauty of the flowing rivers and immerse yourself in the captivating atmosphere of the Bridge to Nowhere.
Maintained by the San Gabriel Mountains Trailbuilders, this site remains a popular attraction for those seeking adventure and exploration. However, winter conditions can make access to the bridge dangerous, prompting caution during certain times of the year.
The Bridge to Nowhere stands as a testament to an unfinished project shrouded in mystery, inviting visitors to contemplate its historical significance and embrace the natural wonders of the San Gabriel Mountains.
Image Source: kenkistler @ Shutterstock