Typically, telescopes are used to look up at distant objects in space. However, in theory, telescopes could also be utilized to observe tiny particles up close, such as neutrinos.
Neutrinos are extremely small particles that move through space almost randomly. Due to their unique properties, like the ability to pass through matter effortlessly, and being sensitive to radiation, detecting them poses a significant challenge. This is where the KM3NeT, or the Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope, plays a crucial role.
KM3NeT is an underwater sensor array currently under construction. Its main purpose is to scan the Earth’s crust in search of neutrinos. Placing this telescope at the ocean’s floor provides an ideal location to observe neutrinos without the interference of ambient radiation.
Although there is no set completion date for KM3NeT, testing is ongoing alongside construction. Once fully operational, this ocean telescope will significantly enhance the search for neutrinos.