In March 2020, when the pandemic confined many indoors, Netflix aired “Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness,” featuring Joe Exotic and his feud with Carole Baskin. Joe Exotic’s tiger park, now operated by Jeffrey and Lauren Lowe, gained attention from the documentary, resulting in increased scrutiny. This led to a recent law enforcement raid at the park.
Following a search warrant based on allegations of animal mistreatment, authorities removed 68 large cats from the park, including tigers, lion-tiger hybrids, lions, and a jaguar. Acting Assistant Attorney General Jean E. Williams emphasized the seriousness of potential harm to these animals protected under the Endangered Species Act.
Nearly 70 big cats have been seized from an Oklahoma animal park owned by Jeff Lowe and his wife, Lauren, who were featured in Netflix’s “Tiger King” documentary, the Department of Justice says
— CNN (@CNN) May 21, 2021
The affidavit, authored by an anonymous individual, detailed the animals’ alleged mistreatment, including contaminated food, inadequate living conditions, and lack of veterinary care. Additionally, the staff at the park reportedly faced verbal and physical abuse from the Lowes, extending even to law enforcement officers during a previous search attempt.
The dangerous and volatile atmosphere created by the Lowes made law enforcement actions hazardous, as stated in the affidavit. The mistreatment and harassment endangered both the animals and individuals at the park.
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