The world has seen many remarkable achievements, from climbing Everest to exploring remote corners of the world. While some believe that all frontiers have been conquered, a new groundbreaking accomplishment has emerged in Canada. A trail spanning nearly 24,000km extends across the entire country, presenting a challenge that few have dared to undertake.
Reflecting on your greatest life achievement can be daunting for many. Some may find themselves trapped in the routine of daily life, lacking the courage to pursue something extraordinary. With responsibilities like raising children, paying a mortgage, and working, breaking free from the monotony can seem impossible. However, isn’t life about pushing boundaries, stepping out of comfort zones, and exploring the wonders of the world we inhabit?
If you resonate with this notion, it’s time to seek out your own extraordinary quest. While scaling Everest may be the ultimate goal for some, embarking on a more local adventure could also be enriching. In Canada, the unveiling of a 24,000km trail known as The Great Trail after 25 years of development offers a unique blend of beauty and length. Walking at a pace of 7 minutes per km for 10 hours a day, completing the trail would take nearly 300 days. It’s undoubtedly a challenging endeavor.
For those craving adventure but hesitant about the immense distance, there is hope. The trail is a network of various pathways spread throughout Canada within a 30-minute drive for 4 out of 5 Canadians. This natural marvel is easily accessible, allowing you to tackle it all in a year, a decade, or simply explore a segment near your residence or a major city. And if Canada seems too distant, remember to explore the wonders of your own surroundings. Adventure may be closer than you think, waiting to be discovered.
Image Source: Olga Danylenko / Shutterstock