Cruella, the sequel/spin-off to Disney’s classic animated film 101 Dalmatians, has been playing in theaters and on Disney+ for approximately two weeks. Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the film has been well-received, generating $48.5 million in box office revenue. Disney, known for capitalizing on successful properties, is already working on a sequel.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the sequel to Cruella is in development. Both the director, Craig Gillespie, and the writer, Tony McNamara, are set to return. While it’s not officially confirmed if Emma Stone will reprise her role, it seems likely given the success of the first film.
“We are thrilled with the success of Cruella, both in theaters and on Disney+ Premier Access,” said a Disney spokesperson to Variety. “The film has resonated with audiences worldwide, boasting a 97% Audience Score on Rotten Tomatoes and receiving high marks across demographics. We anticipate a continued positive reception as audiences delve deeper into this captivating story.”
Cruella has arrived
— Dansley (@Rareviv) June 6, 2021
Director Craig Gillespie expressed his excitement about the character of Cruella, stating to Collider, “I feel like we’ve only just met her… I’d love to see where that takes her and how you could almost destroy her from inside out, if she’s not careful with all that power.”