Previously, X-Men films, which included Deadpool, existed in a separate universe from the Marvel Cinematic Universe due to ownership by Fox instead of Disney. However, with Disney’s acquisition of Fox, fans have eagerly awaited Deadpool’s integration into the MCU. Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige revealed during an interview with Collider that the upcoming Deadpool movie will be part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Despite concerns about Deadpool toning down for Disney, Feige reassured fans that “Deadpool 3” will maintain its usual R-rating.
Feige mentioned, “It will be rated R and we are working on a script right now, and Ryan’s overseeing a script right now… It will not be [filming] this year,” in reference to Ryan Reynolds, the star of Deadpool. Despite the excitement surrounding the project, filming is not expected to commence until 2022, primarily due to factors like the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and Reynolds’ busy schedule. As a result, fans might have to wait until at least 2023 for Deadpool to cross paths with Spider-Man in the MCU. The writing process is being led by Lizzie Molyneux-Loeglin and Wendy Molyneux from Fox’s “Bob’s Burgers,” with Reynolds providing guidance.
Full disclosure: I showed them Spiderman 1 & 2 and told them it was Deadpool 1 & 2. #Deadpool3
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) January 11, 2021
Despite the delays, the eventual crossover between Deadpool and other MCU characters promises to be full of humor and excitement.
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