The Price is Right, a beloved American daytime game show that originally aired in 1956 on NBC, continues its success through its 50th season. Known for popular games like Plinko and its distinctive loser horn sound, the show has ingrained itself in pop culture. To commemorate this milestone, The Price is Right is hitting the road with a special live tour.
CBS recently unveiled the “Come On Down Tour,” an interactive traveling edition of The Price is Right that will stop in various prominent cities across the country, allowing local residents to participate in the game. This tour is not only a celebration of the show’s 50th season but also a way to engage fans, support local businesses, and boost economies during challenging times. Contestants will have the chance to win diverse prizes, including cash, gift packages, and a grand prize of $50,000.
Get ready for an epic coast-to-coast tour to mark 50 YEARS of fun! First stop ➡️ Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles this Friday 3/25. #PriceIsRight
*No purchase necessary. Check out the sweeps rules at from 3/25/22.
— The Price Is Right (@PriceIsRight) March 21, 2022
“What’s wonderful about the show is its ability to evolve within its structure,” shared Drew Carey, the host of The Price is Right, in an interview with the Associated Press. “It’s like updating an old house – you remodel the kitchen, change the living room, but it’s still the same home.”
The tour will commence this Friday, March 25, with the debut event at the Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles. Subsequent stops at iconic locations in cities such as New York City, New Orleans, Dallas, and more are scheduled to follow suit.