Spider-Man is a beloved superhero character, especially since his introduction into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Tom Holland’s portrayal has received significant praise, making every Spider-Man movie a success. The newest addition, ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home,’ premiered this Friday, and critics have already shared their thoughts.
Reviews for ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ have been overwhelmingly positive, with a perfect 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes from 52 reviews. While most critics enjoyed the film, some mentioned that its appeal relies heavily on inside jokes and fan service, which might be less appealing to newcomers.
Globe and Mail’s Barry Hertz described ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ as “both a gigantic act of franchise-mad hubris and a ridiculous amount of fun.” A.V. Club’s A.A. Dowd noted that the film’s focus on fan service could set a challenging precedent for future movies.
Early reviews are in for #SpiderManNoWayHome – currently it’s #Fresh at 100% on the #Tomatometer, with 46 reviews: https://t.co/iqbm4Zqgsn pic.twitter.com/azXakldmcr
— Rotten Tomatoes (@RottenTomatoes) December 14, 2021
Tom Holland received widespread acclaim for his portrayal of Peter Parker/Spider-Man, with JVS Media’s Samuel Leggett Jr. praising it as his best performance in the role.