Marvel has unveiled a teaser trailer for the upcoming movie Eternals as part of the next chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Unlike other Marvel heroes, the Eternals are a group of ancient, immortal humanoid aliens with extraordinary abilities who have been silently shaping mankind’s evolution since the early days of humanity. Following the events of the Thanos saga, the Eternals emerge from secrecy to confront their enemies, the Deviants, who are threatening humanity.
“Throughout the years we have never interfered, until now.”
Watch the brand new teaser trailer for Marvel Studios’ #Eternals, and experience it in theaters this November.
— Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) May 24, 2021
Twitter users have pointed out an intriguing moment in the trailer where Sprite, a member of the Eternals family, discusses the future leadership of the Avengers following the departures of Captain America and Iron Man. This dialogue suggests a transition in the role of Captain America to Sam Wilson, the former Falcon, after the events of Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
Marvel’s Eternals is set to hit theaters in November this year.
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