Since its debut in 1997, the Pokémon TV show has been a beloved part of children’s entertainment, offering a mix of nostalgia for long-time fans and new adventures for newcomers. Now, fans can enjoy a diverse selection of Pokémon episodes and specials on the newly launched Pokémon TV streaming app available on the Nintendo Switch.
Unlike popular streaming services like Netflix, the Pokémon TV app focuses exclusively on Pokémon content, allowing users to watch complete seasons of the show, along with animated specials such as Pokémon: Twilight Wings and Pokémon Origins. The app, which has been in existence as a web platform since 2010, marks its first foray into console-based streaming with its debut on the Nintendo Switch.
Pokemon TV app has just released on Switch
— Nintendo Everything (@NinEverything) August 26, 2021
In addition to episodes and animated specials, the Pokémon TV app also caters to gaming enthusiasts with coverage of competitive Pokémon tournaments and trading card game events. For younger audiences, the app offers Pokémon-themed sing-alongs and nursery rhymes, creating a fun and engaging viewing experience. Best of all, the app is completely free to use, with no ads or subscription fees, making it a safe and hassle-free option for kids to enjoy without any concerns about hidden charges. However, the availability of episodes may vary over time, so viewers are encouraged to catch their favorite content while it’s accessible.
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