Renowned filmmaker Quentin Tarantino has a track record of delivering remarkable movies throughout his career. While fans are eagerly anticipating a possible sequel to the popular movie series, Kill Bill, Tarantino has hinted at exploring other themes before delving back into that universe.
During an interview at the Rome Film Festival, where he was honored with a lifetime achievement award, Tarantino responded to a query from interviewer Fabio Fazio about the possibility of a third Kill Bill installment by saying, “Why not?” He went on to mention his interest in creating a comedy before anything else.
Regarding his next project, Tarantino shared, “It’s not my immediate next movie. It’s a fragment of an idea I am considering, and I won’t reveal specifics at this point. However, a Spaghetti Western element is envisioned as part of this project.”
‘Kill Bill Vol. 3’ is still a possibility for his next film, reaffirms Quentin Tarantino
(via @romacinemafest)
— Fandom (@getFANDOM) October 19, 2021
Tarantino further elaborated on this idea, saying, “I’m excited about shooting this project as it promises to be quite enjoyable. I plan to adopt the Spaghetti Western style, where characters of various nationalities speak different languages.”
He humorously described the concept, “The Mexican Bandit will be Italian; the protagonist will be American; the antagonist sheriff will be German; and the Mexican saloon girl will be Israeli. Everyone will speak a different language, creating a unique dynamic on set.”