The Batman, the latest movie adaptation of the beloved DC comics superhero, has been released in theaters with Robert Pattinson in the lead role. Pattinson appears shirtless for a significant portion of the film, which has sparked curiosity among viewers, but his dedication to fitness and diet is evident. The actor revealed that the prospect of shirtless scenes served as a major incentive for him to adhere to a strict diet and exercise regimen.
Speaking to People magazine at the film’s premiere, Pattinson shared, “I had about three months before the movie started, and then you’re working out before and after work all the time. You just cut down and cut down and cut down before the couple of scenes with your shirt off, and you’re counting sips of water.”
Even when not showcasing his physique, Pattinson embodies the iconic Batman character with confidence while wearing the cowl, which significantly boosted his self-assurance.
“You just cut down and cut down and cut down before the couple of scenes with your shirt off”
— TMZ (@TMZ) March 3, 2022
Reflecting on portraying Batman, Pattinson remarked, “It’s funny because you read the script and you spend loads of time trying to figure out, ‘How can I play this character who does these sort of audacious acts?’ And the closer I got to the shoot I got more and more paranoid — you know, it feels ridiculous when you’re just sitting at home in a T-shirt — and then you put it on. It’s got an elemental power to it.”
Assuming the role of Batman altered how people interacted with him, according to Pattinson, who likened donning the cowl as akin to wearing a crown.
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