The latest entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Black Widow, premiered in theaters today. Early reactions have been positive, with viewers appreciating Scarlett Johansson’s portrayal of Natasha Romanoff, a character often considered a lesser-known Avenger due to her lack of superpowers.
Discussing the film, Johansson shared her insights with Fox News, describing it as a story of self-forgiveness. She emphasized the significance of seeing Natasha vulnerable and isolated, confronted with her inner struggles.
In particular, Johansson highlighted the importance of Natasha’s relationship with Yelena, her younger sister portrayed by Florence Pugh in the movie. According to Johansson, Yelena serves as a catalyst for Natasha’s introspection and growth, prompting her to confront painful truths.
#BlackWidow has earned $13.2M in the film’s domestic Thursday night previews.
It is easily the best preview night to date during the pandemic besting #F9 ($7.1M).
— DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) July 9, 2021
Sharing her admiration for Natasha’s character, Pugh praised Johansson’s portrayal, highlighting Natasha’s resilience and authenticity despite her challenging past. Pugh commended Natasha’s unwavering strength and honesty, noting her fierce yet genuine demeanor.
Black Widow is currently showing in theaters and available on Disney+ for audiences to enjoy.