Kevin Clark, best known for playing Freddy “Spaz” Jones in the popular movie School of Rock from 2003, tragically lost his life in a biking accident. When his former colleagues heard the news, many of them turned to social media to share their sorrow and pay tribute to their beloved friend.
Jack Black shared on Instagram, “Devastating news. Kevin is gone. Way too soon. Beautiful soul. So many great memories. Heartbroken. Sending love to his family and the whole School of Rock community,” accompanied by photos of himself with Clark.
Miranda Cosgrove expressed her shock and sadness, stating, “The world lost an amazing soul. I’ll always remember your spirit and how kind you were to me. I’ll never forget all the memories. You’ll always be missed Kevin.”
Rivkah Reyes tweeted, “Love you forever, spaz. I will never forget your hugs and your laugh and the sheer joy on your face when we’d run into each other in Chicago. Thank you for always showing up for me with that ‘big brother I never had’ energy.”
Brian Falduto reflected, “I can’t believe we lost a member of the family today. I’ve developed such a love & gratitude over the years for the once-in-a-lifetime experience that School of Rock was. We will miss you, Kevin. Thank you for finally forgiving me (in 2016) for making you wear spandex & heels. So, so much love to you, you wickedly talented & wonderfully kind man.”
Kevin Clark was 32 years old.
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