Recently, the initial trailer was released for “Weird: The Al Yankovic Story,” a biographical movie centering around the life and experiences of the beloved comedy and parody artist “Weird” Al Yankovic, with Daniel Radcliffe, famously known for his role in the Harry Potter series, portraying the lead character.
As per an official statement, the film promises to delve deep into Yankovic’s journey, from his rapid ascent to stardom with popular hits like ‘Eat It’ and ‘Like a Surgeon’ to his turbulent celebrity romances and famously unconventional lifestyle.
Despite Weird Al’s reputation for being a grounded individual, the movie seems to take a satirical approach, evident in exaggerated scenes from the trailer, like Radcliffe’s portrayal of Weird Al casually requesting an accordion and being presented with numerous options. It appears that the film will playfully mock typical tropes found in musician biopics, including sudden rises to fame followed by dramatic falls from grace. Given that the movie centers on the highest-selling comedy artist in history, such humorous elements are to be expected.
Get psyched.
— Al Yankovic (@alyankovic) May 3, 2022
Back in January when the film was initially announced, Weird Al commented, “When my last movie, UHF, came out in 1989, I made a solemn vow to my fans that I would release a major motion picture every 33 years, like clockwork.” He expressed confidence that this role would be the one Radcliffe would be remembered for by future generations.
“Weird: The Al Yankovic Story” is set to premiere this autumn exclusively on the Roku Channel.