Recently, Netflix aired a documentary called The Tinder Swindler, shedding light on the fraudulent activities of a man named Simon Leviev. The documentary reveals how Leviev deceived women on the dating app Tinder by posing as the son of a wealthy Israeli diamond tycoon facing threats from rivals. He would manipulate these women into obtaining credit cards for him, then vanish after taking thousands of dollars.
Tinder took action against Leviev after an investigation in 2019. A statement from Tinder to E! News stated, “We permanently banned Simon Leviev and all his known aliases when his deceitful actions came to light in 2019. He is not allowed on our platform under any of his known identities.”
The infamous “Tinder Swindler,” Simon Leviev, is facing difficulties in duping new victims on dating apps as he has been banned from almost all platforms!
— TMZ (@TMZ) February 8, 2022
Moreover, following the documentary’s release and the ensuing publicity, various other major dating services have taken pre-emptive measures to block Leviev. A spokesperson from Match Group informed TMZ that Leviev has been prohibited from all dating services under their umbrella, which includes popular platforms such as OkCupid, Hinge, and
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