Simon Leviev, also known as the “Tinder Swindler,” has been in the spotlight following the release of a Netflix documentary detailing his fraudulent activities. Using the alias Shimon Hayut, he managed to deceive multiple women on the dating app Tinder, amassing over $10 million by fabricating elaborate tales and persuading them to lend him money before vanishing. Hayut adopted a new identity to exploit the reputation of the family of Israeli Russian diamond mogul Lev Leviev. While facing legal action for his crimes, it is surprising that the lawsuit is not initiated by his victims but by the Leviev family, whose name he falsely claimed.
The Leviev family has taken legal action against Hayut, alleging that he deceitfully portrayed himself as Lev Leviev’s son to unjustly gain advantages and benefits. The lawsuit, filed in Tel Aviv, accuses Hayut of manipulating others by falsely asserting his affiliation with the Leviev family and falsely claiming that his family would cover his expenses and privileges.
Shimon Hayut, aka Simon Leviev, the subject of Netflix’s #TinderSwindler, is being sued for millions.
“This legal action marks the initial step in a series of lawsuits that our legal team is currently preparing,” stated Guy Ophir, the Leviev family’s lawyer. “Subsequently, we plan to pursue a financial claim against Hayut and any other individuals cooperating with him, including certain websites engaged in partnerships with Hayut or those seeking to profit from his involvement. We will take legal action against anyone attempting to benefit from this deceitful scheme.”
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