Sonic the Hedgehog 2, the sequel to the 2020 movie based on the beloved video game franchise, is generating excitement ahead of its release. The film features a returning cast with Ben Schwartz as Sonic, Jim Carrey as Dr. Robotnik, and Idris Elba as Knuckles, Sonic’s adversary.
To build anticipation for the movie’s premiere, Xbox is running a contest centered around Sonic and Knuckles. Participants can enter by following Xbox on Twitter and retweeting the contest post for a chance to win a custom Xbox Series S console adorned with images of Sonic, Knuckles, and a golden ring.
We might need glasses because these controllers look fuzzy.
Follow and RT with #XboxSonic2Sweepstakes for a chance to win a Sonic 2 Xbox Series S Custom Console and Controllers.
Age 18+. Ends 4/4/22. Rules:
— Xbox (@Xbox) March 22, 2022
One unique aspect of the contest is the quirky controllers that accompany the custom console. The winner will receive two Xbox Wireless Controllers, one red and one blue, both featuring textured exteriors resembling the distinctive fur of Sonic and Knuckles. Gamers can enjoy playing with these unconventional controllers that mimic the characters’ spiky appearances.
The contest will close on April 4, just before Sonic the Hedgehog 2 premieres in theaters on April 8.
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