In 2009, renowned filmmaker James Cameron introduced the world to Avatar, a groundbreaking science-fiction movie that earned immense commercial success and became one of the highest-grossing films ever. Following its triumph, Cameron has been working on a sequel, initially targeting a 2014 release, which encountered multiple setbacks. After a 13-year wait, the next chapter in the Avatar saga is finally underway.
Recently at CinemaCon, a gathering showcasing upcoming major film projects, attendees got a sneak peek at the first footage of the Avatar sequel titled ‘Avatar: The Way of Water.’ Originally produced by Fox, the Avatar franchise now falls under Disney’s umbrella following the acquisition. Though the footage didn’t reveal any plot details or dialogue, it displayed the stunning CGI world of Pandora and its inhabitants, the Na’vi.
James Cameron is at last unveiling his fantastical underwater vision for #Avatar’s long-anticipated sequel after several delays in recent years. The new installment is named “Avatar: The Way of Water.”
— Variety (@Variety) April 27, 2022
Similar to its predecessor, Avatar: The Way of Water is a 3D movie, with CinemaCon attendees receiving 3D glasses for the preview. In a prerecorded message before the screening, Cameron noted that the film was crafted for the most immersive 3D experience on a large screen, pushing the boundaries of cinema.
Given the time gap between the films, Disney plans to re-release the original Avatar in theaters on September 23 to reintroduce audiences to the world. The highly-anticipated Avatar: The Way of Water is scheduled for a holiday season debut on December 16.